Courses | Saint Paul University

Sacrae Theologiae Licentia (STL)

Faculty of Theology

Université Saint Paul University (USP SPU)
  • HUM5124 - Equity, Justice and Ecological Issues

    Understanding social justice. Study of the specific links between social and ecological problems with insights from ecojustice, climate justice, environmental racism, ecofeminism and The Earth Charter (2000).

  • HUM5125 - Worldviews and Ecology

    Exploration of historical, ecological, cultural and religious worldviews and their implications for the development of leadership and communities. Analysis of social contexts, cultural perspectives, social change in contemporary global settings with reference to social justice frameworks and socio-historical structures.

  • THO6105 - Important Theological Synthesis
  • THO6310 - Theological Hermeneutics

    Principles and history of interpretation in theology. Recent developments and debates. The role of classic texts and the question of historical consciousness.

  • THO6317 - Formation of Biblical Text

    Transmission of the text. Inspiration. Canonicity. The authority of the text and the believing community.

  • THO6318 - Interpretation of the Biblical Text

    Principles and methods of interpretation. History of interpretation: the Church Fathers, Middle Ages, the Reformation, 19th and 20th centuries.

  • THO6333 - Methods and Approaches in Contemporary Ethics

    Hermeneutical questions and methodological foundations of contemporary ethical reflection analysed from a theological perspective.

  • THO6334 - Issues and Debates in Contemporary Ethics

    Exploring in depth the basic concepts of theological tradition with regard to Christian ethics, as well as the main questions related to ethical research in a contemporary context. Reflection on what is at stake with regard to the public relevance of the Christian ethical discourse in a pluralist and multicultural society.

  • THO6354 - Religious Experience

    Faith and experience. The Mystery of God. Interpretations and expressions of the experience of God.

  • THO6355 - Theology and Culture

    The relationship between faith and culture; contemporary issues, questions and challenges. The contextual nature of theology.

  • THO6358 - Spirituality: Methods; Relationships With the Human Sciences

    Analysis of the methods used in the theological study of spirituality. Spirituality in relation to the human sciences.

  • THO6359 - Comparative Study of Spiritual Traditions

    Comparative theological study of one or more Christian spiritual traditions and one or more spiritual traditions within other religions to highlight their views of the world, human reality and salvation.

  • THO6399 - Methodologies in Theology

    Various methodologies used in the main fields of theological research. Theoretical and practical aspects of writing a paper or a thesis: matters of research, defining the problem, a working hypothesis, choosing a method, bibliographical research, writing up the status questiones, etc.

  • THO6997 - M.A. Synthesis Examination in Eastern Christian Studies

    A written and oral exercise during which the student is expected to demonstrate the ability to reflect critically on five themes (and concomitant texts) of particular significance to Eastern Christian Studies.

  • THO6999 - Research Paper

    The research paper, approximately 40 pages in length, aims at a deeper understanding of a precise theological topic, with the help of pertinent methodological tools.

  • THO7999 - Master's Thesis

    The master’s thesis, about 100 pages long, must show that the student can work independently and in a rigorously scientific manner.

  • THO9295 - Doctoral Seminar in Theology

    Organization and composition of a thesis proposal acceptable to the Faculty of theology and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. (Graded: S or N/S)