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Finding Leadership on the Wall: Graffiti and Street Art as a Powerful Voice in Polarized Settings with Eric Lepp

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Finding Leadership on the Wall: Graffiti and Street Art as a Powerful Voice in Polarized Settings with Eric Lepp

DATE : Wednesday September 28, 2022

TIME : Noon to 1 pm EDT (streaming live via Zoom), recording will be available after event

Registration link:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodOytrD4pGtPm5-ISC5Ja5uftrX987kiP

This iteration of the “Being a Leader” series is the first conversation around the theme: Practicing Leadership in Polarized Times. With this theme in mind, Dr. Lepp will discuss his research exploring graffiti as an example of socio-political commentary in conflict-afflicted settings as well as his own motivations for studying the spatial and aesthetic dimensions of peace and conflict in local contexts.


EricLepp Profile

About Our Guest

Dr. Eric Lepp is a Visiting Assistant Professor in Peace and Conflict Studies at Conrad Grebel University College - University of Waterloo (Canada). He received his Ph.D. in Humanitarianism and Conflict Response from the University of Manchester (UK), and completed his MA International Peace Studies at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies - University of Notre Dame (USA).

His research explores spaces of contact and the construction of community that includes the ‘other’ in conflict-affected societies. He is particularly interested in the counter-cultural, resistant, and unexpected spaces where peace is being enacted and imagined against a backdrop of division.





The seriesBeing a Leader: Lunchtime Conversationsoffers opportunities to reflect with organizational and community leaders upon the challenges of social transformation in a complex world, and to better appreciate the resources we can rely on to act within this complex world. Organized by the Providence School of Transformative Leadership and Spirituality, Saint Paul University.  

For our previous interview visit our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS5pibFZ2-DNxXjlYHjhBcw

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