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The Conflict Research Centre is pleased to give its 2018 Award for Student Research to Martin Samson, doctoral student in Conflict Studies. His paper entitled “L’Étude du Conflit à l’Aune des Changements Climatiques. Perspective Épistémologique critique sur l’Antropocène comme discours” (“The Study of Conflict in the Wake of Climate Change: A Critical Epistemological Perspective on Anthropocene as Discourse”) was presented at the Conflict Studies Graduate Student Symposium at Saint Paul University on April 27, 2018. The jury for the award, made up of Professors Geneviève Parent (chair), Jean-François Rioux and Hélène Tessier, appreciated the originality, theoretical expertise, and depth of thinking that Martin Samson demonstrated in his text. The award will be officially presented in September 2018.

The jury also decided to award a special mention to Melissa Sinfield, a Master’s student in Conflict Studies, for her paper “On Absolutism of Non-Violence: Can Contemporary Cultural Norms of Non-violence be Immoral? A Case Study of Standing Rock”.