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Honours Bachelor in Theology (B.Th.) for Augustine College Graduates

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Program description

Theology is the study of the nature of God and religious belief based on Catholic writings and tradition. The Theology program encourages students to develop a critical approach to the problems and challenges facing modern society while upholding and respecting the Catholic intellectual tradition.

The Faculty of Theology offers civil and ecclesiastical programs suitable as a preparation both for various ministries and for graduate research in theology.

In addition to the foundational courses,* the Theology undergraduate program opens the door to a solid understanding of Christian faith and how to integrate it into daily life through courses in theology and philosophy. Students are also given an opportunity to explore specific subjects in greater depth.

A student enrolled in theTheology program may add a complimentary minor in Conflict Studies, Group Intervention and Leadership, Philosophical Theology, Philosophy or Social Communication providing an additional 9 credits.

*The foundational courses are a compulsory part of every bachelor’s degree program offered at Saint Paul University.

What you’ll learn

During your studies you will acquire a sound basic knowledge of a range of research areas in theology: sacred scripture, Church history, ethics, systematic theology and Church practice. You will also reflect on the major issues facing our society and the Church today.

Why choose Saint Paul University?

  • For its small class sizes and close student-teacher ratio
  • For its safe, secure and friendly campus with personalized services
  • For its bilingual setting in the heart of the national capital
  • For its diverse student population and international vision
  • For its solid reputation, experience, history and Catholic tradition

Career opportunities

  • Attendant for the elderly
  • Catechist
  • Community or not-for-profit organization worker
  • Missionary
  • Ordained minister
  • Pastoral agent in a school, hospital or prison setting
  • Pastoral associate
  • Youth development worker
  • Youth minister
  • Youth services worker

Click here to find out more about Admission Scholarships at Saint Paul University.

Other programs that may interest you

The list of required courses is presented under the Program Requirements tab.

Information to come.

Augustine College Graduates complete 90 credits to obtain an Honours Bachelor in Theology (B.Th.)

Foundational Courses (12 credits)

Compulsory Courses (12 credits)

  • HTP1103 People, Politics and the Planet
  • HTP1104 Faith, Justice and the Common Good
  • ISC2309 English Composition
  • PHI2181 Human Knowledge

Discipline Specific Courses (57 credits)

Compulsory Courses (30 credits)

  • THO2315 Ethics and the Human Person
  • THO3160 Pentateuch and Historical Books
  • THO3161 Gospel Interpretation – Mark
  • THO3162 Christian Revelation and Faith
  • THO3163 The Christian God
  • THO3164 Jesus the Christ
  • THO3165 The Church
  • THO3166 Moral Existence
  • THO3168 Christian Spirituality
  • THO3169 Christian Liturgy

Optional Courses (27 credits)

3 credits from Scripture-O.T.

  • THO4100 Wisdom Literature  or THO4101 Prophetic Literature 

3 credits from Scripture-N.T.

  • THO4102 Pauline Literature or   THO4103 Johannine Literature

3 credits from (Ethics)

  • THO4104 Sexual Ethics 
  • THO4105 Social and Political Ethics 
  • THO4106 Bioethics 
  • THO4124 Feminist Ethics 

3 credits from (Systematics)

  • THO4107 Humanity: Creature and Creator 
  • THO4108 Grace and Christian Existence 
  • THO4109 Sin and the Question of Evil 

3 credits from (Practice of the Church)

  • MIS2108  Theory and Praxis of Interreligious Dialogue
  • THO4110 The Eucharist 
  • THO4111 Sacraments of Initiation, Reconciliation

3 credits from (Philosophy)

  • PHI1102 Moral Reasoning (UO)
  • PHI1103 Fundamental Philosophical Questions (UO)
  • PHI2182 Human Existence
  • PHI2184 Philosophy of Religion
  • PHI2386 Existentialism (UO)
  • PHI3174 Metaphysics: The Structure of Reality (UO)
  • PHI2154 Moral Philosophy
  • PHI3378 Analytic Philosophy

9 credits from other THO courses except

  • THO 3172 Faith and Culture    
  • THO 2191 Introduction to Biblical Greek OR THO2192 Ecclesiastical Latin

Elective Courses (21 credits)

  • Students choose 21 credits to complete their bachelor program.      











HTP 1101 - Trends in Western Thought

This course addresses multiple aspects of the evolution of western thought, from Antiquity to current times, and the impact of major events and thinkers, and the influence of other civilizations on the contemporary understanding of human nature, culture and society.

HTP 1102 - Approaches in the Humanities: Interpreting the Human Experience

Introduction to theoretical approaches in the Humanities and to the methods that are applied to interpret the multiple expressions of human experience, particularly those expressed in important works of art and literature.

HTP 1103 - People, Social Justice and Ecology

Social and ecological challenges facing humanity today, and related issues of social justice. These questions will be examined from a perspective of community building and efforts towards ecological and social transformations for a hopeful future.

HTP 1104 - Faith, Justice and the Common Good

This course investigates faith, justice and the common good from religious, philosophical and human science perspectives. The course draws on classic and contemporary resources, in particular those from the Christian intellectual traditions.

ISC 2309 - English Composition

This course is dedicated to the improvement of writing skills in order to become an effective communicator in several contexts.

ISC 2314 - Public Speaking

Learning the techniques of efficient public speaking. Introduction and training to personal impression making in electronic media. Development of a professional attitude and self-confidence.

MIS 2108 - Theory and Praxis of Interreligious Dialogue

Dialogue as co-constitution of humans thanks to religious faith. Prerequisites and challenges involved in interreligious dialogue: in-depth dimension of faith; necessity of self-criticism; hermeneutic of religious convictions. Orthodoxy and orthopraxis. Harmony, conflict and end of religions.

PHI 1102 - Moral Reasoning (UO)

Development of fundamental skills in moral reasoning through the study of ethical issues and the criteria used in justifying or evaluating actions.

Prerequisite: PHI 1101.

PHI 1103 - Fundamental Philosophical Questions (UO)

A critical examination of fundamental philosophical problems such as the mind and body distinction, the possibility of knowledge of the external world, freedom and determinism, the definition of the concept of truth and the meaning of life.

Prerequisite: PHI1101.

PHI 1104 - Great Philosophers (UO)

An historical introduction to philosophy through the study of writings of major Western philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Sartre. (HP)

Prerequisite: PHI1101.

PHI 2154 - Moral Philosophy

Survey of the major ethical systems in the Western world. Relationship between philosophical and religious thinking in ethical matters. Fundamental questions facing contemporary moral consciousness.

PHI 2154 and PHI 2174 are mutually exclusive. PHI 2154 was previously under course code PHI 3183.

PHI 2181 - Human Knowledge

Study of the traditional, universalist, approach to knowledge as well as contemporary standpoint approaches, such as feminist and postmodernist.

PHI 2182 - Philosophical Anthropology

Study of different philosophical conceptions of the human being.

PHI 2184 - Philosophy of Religion

Philosophers and religion. Questions raised by the scientific study of religion in the contemporary period. Contributions of linguistic analysis to the study of the expressions of religious faith.

PHI 2386 - Existentialism (UO)

Study of a philosophical tradition which has shaped contemporary thought. Existentialism questions the idea of human nature and emphasizes subjectivity, consciousness, freedom, finitude and the meaning of human existence. Readings from philosophers such as Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Jaspers, Sartre, Camus and Merleau-Ponty.

PHI 3174 - Topics in Metaphysics (UO)

Study of questions relative to the structure of reality, to questions concerning the fundamental concepts of time, space, cause, identity and to the debate between realism and idealism.

Prerequisites: 15 PHI credits including PHI 2170, PHI 2383. This course has variable topics and may be taken several times if the themes are different.

PHI 3398 - Contemporary Analytic Philosophy (UO)

Study of major debates and currents in analytic philosophy, with focus on the core theoretical areas of philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, epistemology and metaphysics.

Prerequisites: 15 PHI credits, including PHI 2170 and PHI 2383. Previously: PHI3378.

THO 1306 - Exploring the Sacred

The human effort to express the experience of the sacred and to name our sense of the “Beyond”. The different forms such expressions have taken: cosmic wonder and its symbols, foundations stories, ritual life. The meaning of this effort for understanding the quest of the human spirit and its attempts to build order in society and community.

THO 1307 - What is the Bible?

The Bible: book or library, history or story? History of the Jewish people and of the culture in which the Bible was written. The Bible and its content. Interpreting the text. The Jesus event. The influence of the Bible on history and on contemporary culture.

THO 2189 - Introduction to Theology

An introduction to basic questions and fields of inquiry in Christian theology.

THO 2315 - Being Human

What is ethics? Introduction to the key ethical ideas that shape our lives. Ethical riches of the Christian tradition to understand ourselves and our responsibilities to other persons.

THO 2410 - World Religions

Introduction to the world religions with an emphasis on Christian faith in interaction with other living faiths.

THO 3125 - Contemporary Church History

History of the Church from the 18th century to the present.

THO 3163 - The Christian God

The self-disclosure of the mystery of God throughout history. Theological reflection on the mystery of God the Trinity; the caring God; the question of the suffering and compassionate God; the human experience of God; speaking of God in the context of contemporary culture.

THO 3164 - Jesus the Christ

Approaches to Jesus of Nazareth. His message and works. Theological interpretation of his death. His resurrection, exaltation, and the eschatological event of salvation. Jesus, Messiah and Saviour. Jesus, son of Mary and Son of God.

THO 3167 - History of the Church: The First Five Centuries

Relationship between history and theology. Methodology of historical research. Overview of the historical evolution of Christianity from its beginnings to the end of the fifth century.

THO 3169 - Christian Liturgy

Introductory course on liturgy and worship. Basic ideas of time, space, symbol, language and music. Jewish public prayer. The history of the Western liturgy. The structure and dynamics of the eucharistic liturgy, the liturgy of the hours, Sunday worship without a priest, the liturgical year, inculturation, and trends for the future.

THO 4100 - Wisdom Literature

General introduction to Wisdom Literature: its origin and evolution. Exegesis of selected passages.

Prerequisite: THO 3160.

THO 4102 - Pauline Literature

Overview of the life of Paul and his work. Special study of some of his letters.

Prerequisite: THO 3161.

THO 4103 - What is Truth? The Gospel of John

A study of Johannine writings, their structure, theology, and cultural setting. Exegesis of selected passages in the Gospel of John and Letters of John, and the Apocalypse. Special attention given to the meaning of "truth" and "life."


THO 4105 - Social and Political Ethics

Human being as personal and social being. Respect for human rights. Freedom in the socio-political context. Society as the milieu of personal growth.

Prerequisite: THO 3166.

THO 4106 - Bioethics

Respect for human life. Right to physical integrity. Genetics. Abortion. Euthanasia.

Prerequisite: THO 3166.

THO 4107 - Creation and Responsibility: Theological Anthropology

Christian anthropology. Responsibility and freedom of the human person as co-creator. Sin and the problem of evil. Relationship between creation and redemption. Creation and a scientific world view. Ecology and theology.


THO 4108 - Theological Thinking

Divine grace and human freedom. Historical development of the theology of grace. Christian existence as faith, hope, and love. God’s presence in the world and in the human person. Contemporary challenges.


THO 4109 - Sin and the Question of Evil

Deciphering the premises in questions about evil, suffering, and God. The history and difficulties entailed in classifying, differentiating, and conceptualizing evil. Theodicy as a response to the question of evil with problems of intelligibility, current expressions, strengths and limitations. The crucifixion of Jesus as theodicy. Continuing reference is made throughout the course to questions of meaning arising from suffering (viewed as the “ache” of evil) and a range of Christian ethical responses.

THO 4110 - The Eucharist

The origins of the eucharist and the meaning of a sacrament. History and theology of the eucharist from New Testament times through the Middle Ages to today. The eucharist as sacrifice and as memorial of the paschal mystery. Eucharist and experience of God.

Prerequisite: THO 3169.

THO 4111 - Sacraments of Initiation, Reconciliation, and Anointing. Funeral Rites

Baptism as the foundation of Christian identity. The Rite for the Christian Initiation of Adults and its history. Infant baptism. Issues in Confirmation. The (Roman Catholic) Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation/Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Viaticum. Funeral rites and pastoral concerns.

Prerequisite: THO 3169.

THO 4124 - Feminist Ethics

An introduction to ethics from feminist perspectives. Historical background to feminist approaches to ethics; introduction to feminist analysis; approaches within feminist ethics; Christianity and feminist ethics; Christian praxis as foundational to ethics; the social, cultural, and political dimensions of ethics; specific issues arising in contemporary discussions.

Prerequisite: THO 3166.

Contact Us

Office of Admissions, Registrar and Student Services
Room 148
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Ottawa, ON
K1S 1C4

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Telephone: 613-236-1393 ext. 8990
Fax: 613-782-3014

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Please leave your documents in the mailbox in front of room 148 when our offices are closed.