Centres, chairs and research institutes


Research Centre for Vatican II and 21st Century Catholicism

The Research Centre for Vatican II and 21st Century Catholicism promotes inter-university collaboration in the study of the Second Vatican Council and its role for the Church in the 21st century. It supports Saint Paul University’s mission and confirms its position as a leader in this field as it fosters, through critical thinking, the analysis of social and religious change, especially in the context of today’s challenges.

The founding members come from the three largest Catholic faculties of theology in Canada: professors Catherine Clifford (Saint Paul University, Ottawa), Gilles Routhier (Université Laval, Québec) and Michael Attridge (St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto).


Centre for Religious Education and Catechesis

Theology is faith seeking understanding, faith nurturing meaning. This statement summarizes the dual nature of the Centre for Religious Education and Catechesis: the rational discourse of research that gives reason to hope through teaching in an academic context that is also grounded in its community and responds to the needs and concerns of men and women today. The Centre is rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition while embracing all Christian traditions. 


Research Centre in Public Ethics and Governance

Contemporary society is characterized by a withdrawal from political engagement and a growing cynicism towards all things political. This is readily understood as citizens feel like hapless spectators in the face of political scandals and breaches of ethics of the political class, as well as victims of political, economic, financial and environmental crises. What is governance in a world dominated by uncertainty and urgency? How do we establish ethical principles in a world characterized by plurality of values and of worldviews? Our complex societies call for renewal of political thought and ethics.

The Research Centre in Public Ethics and Governance fosters interdisciplinary research on current social issues that overlap the ethical and the political.


Centre for Research on Conflict

Founded in 2010, the mission of the Centre for Research on Conflict is to contribute to the advancement of the fields of conflict studies, applied peace research and peace building, within Canada and internationally, by conducting research and training that will foster dialogue and promote the harnessing and nurturing of constructive responses to defusing conflict and building sustainable and just peace.


Sophia Research Centre

The Sophia Research Centre studies issues that affect women and Christian traditions. The Centre's mandate is to promote and secure Women’s Studies and/or Feminist Research in the fields of biblical studies, history, pastoral studies, theology, ethics, ecumenical studies, spirituality, psychology and ethics. 


Lonergan Centre 

Created in 2007, the Lonergan Centre is part of an international network of researchers and practitioners undertaking collaborative research on the body of work of Bernard Lonergan, and his personal and empirical approach to insight as a means of transformation in human life.  


Centre of Excellence for Research in Psychotherapy and Spirituality (CERPS)

The Centre of Excellence for Research in Psychotherapy and Spirituality (CERPS) provides a forum for dialogue among researchers, trainers and practitioners in the vast area of counselling, psychotherapy and spirituality.

The Centre conducts research and training with the goal of fostering growth in the area of mental health, and in particular attends to the role of spirituality in healthy living. The Centre also strives to be a network for knowledge dissemination and exchange.


Center for Research on Innovations and Social Transformations (CRITS)

The Center for Research on Innovations and Social Transformations (CRITS) is an interdisciplinary venue with a mandate to make a significant contribution to excellence in social innovation research at Saint Paul University, in Canada and internationally through deployment of a program focused on integration Knowledge in the University's areas of excellence related to social justice, public ethics, social conflict, liberation theology, and social cause marketing.