Planned Giving

Gifts that Give Back

You can make a major gift to Saint Paul University and retain your financial security through retirement with gifts of charitable remainder trusts, residual interest arrangements and charitable gift annuities. These are life income plans that provide you with the opportunity to support the University while preserving income for you or your family.

Bequest: Why Make a Will?

What Happens Without a Will?

The following will happen to your assets or “estate” if you do not have a will in place.

Gift of Life Insurance:

A gift of life insurance is a surprisingly easy way and, for many, the only way to make a substantial gift to Saint Paul University.

Below are listed three ways that a donor may give life insurance for the benefit of Saint Paul University:

  1. Gifting an existing paid-up policy by changing the owner and beneficiary to Saint Paul University. The donor will receive a tax receipt for the full cash value of the policy, plus any accumulated dividends.
  2. Gifting a policy on which a donor is still paying premiums and names Saint Paul University irrevocable owner and beneficiary. The donor will receive a receipt for the cash surrender value, if any. Further, as premiums come due and are paid, receipts for the amount of the premiums will be issued to the donor.
  3. Designating Saint Paul University in a donor's will to receive the proceeds of a policy. In this type of format, the donor would not benefit from a tax receipt in his/her lifetime. However, in the future, when Saint Paul University receives the proceeds of the policy and if the policy is specifically mentioned in the donor's will, Saint Paul University will issue a tax receipt which will benefit the donor's estate. (Tax credit of up to 100% of net income in the year of death and year preceding death.)


Charitable Trusts

Saint Paul University may accept two types of irrevocable charitable trust arrangements:

  1. A remainder trust that pays the donor income from the assets (i.e. real estate, securities, cash) for life or for a number of years, and then distributes the principal to SPU;
  2. a residual trust whereby an asset (personal residence, work of art, investment property) is donated today, but the donor retains the use of it during his/her lifetime.

Reinsured Charitable Gift Annuities

A gift annuity is an irrevocable transfer of money or other assets to Saint Paul University. A portion of the principal is used to purchase an annuity from an insurance company. The cost of the annuity is based on the donor’s age and income requirements. The remainder of the principal is considered an outright gift used for the purpose specified by the donor. The annuity pays the donor a guaranteed income for a specific time or for the remainder of the donor’s life. Upon the donor's death, SPU receives any remaining guaranteed income from the annuity, unless the donor has specified otherwise.

For more information, please contact the Alumni and Development Office at 613-236-1393, ext.2009, or